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Call For Papers
We enthusiastically encourage prospective authors to submit an electronic version of their original research papers that contain contributions of theoretical, experimental or application nature using EasyChair. The conference is organized in two tracks Next-Generation Computing and Communication technologies with the theme Advancements in Next-Generation Computing and Communication Technologies and will feature distinguished invited speakers in each track.
Next-Generation Computing and Communication Technologies
Next-generation of computing technologies are evolving from the emergence of new technologies and research areas such as Distributed computing, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, Cloud computing, Parallel computing, Grid computing, quantum computing and their related applications. These emerging topics in the field of information technology are defining the future of computing technologies. By using the internet and central remote services, it maintains the data, applications, etc. that offers much more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing, and bandwidth and so on. It can also concentrate all computation
resources and manage automatically through the software without intervening. There are several layers in present computing architecture, service models, platforms, issues i.e. security, privacy, reliability, open standard, etc. and types. The objective of the track is to explore the landscape of next-generation computing technologies and standards, and present solutions for the development of applications based on these frameworks that cope with the requirements and security concerns of the future Internet.
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